use me as a substitute

 Bonjour you guys! Class today was boringggggggggg. We started class with a bell ringer, which was surprising because we haven't had one in 7 months. It was basically asking us what career field we'd like to go into and why. Y'all, I don't freaking know. I think about that on a daily, and I still have no clue what I want to do. And since the bell ringer was connected to the work period, I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the class time. We unfortunately have a project on the career we choose, PLUS WE HAVE TO PRESENT. How could a teacher be so extra on the last few days of school? This is crazy. The rest of the parts of the project are fine, but the presenting part is SO UNNECESSARY. Now that's all I'm gonna think about while doing it. Makes me wanna erase everything I said about him in my last blog post. Also, I feel so pressured to choose a career. I might just have to pick a random one, for obvious reasons. I don't want a boring job. I don't want to go to college yet cause I don't know what I want to do nor do I want to be in debt. I don't want to have a boring life. I don't want to wake up for a job that I dread going to everyday. I don't want to spend the rest of my life going to work just for money. I'm gonna be super rich though y'all. I swear. And when I get rich, I'm not gonna be like the other rich folks who keep the money all for themselves, I'm gonna seriously give it to people in need. I hate going out somewhere and seeing people homeless and sleeping on the streets. It's so selfish of them, and I hate it. To sum up, the goal here is to not hate my life, and find something I genuinely enjoy doing. My interests change a lot anyways, so I think it's best to take my time. This man called on me today as if I was Arian. Sir, you may not use me as a substitute for her cause I promise you I don't know the answer. Forreal though, I did know the answer to the second question he asked me but I thought it was wrong so I didn't say it. I think I'm gonna start on the project tomorrow. I'm just not in the mood right now. I'm hoping I remember by the time 1st period starts so I can get it over with quickly, instead of rushing to do it during 3rd because I forgot. The project is pretty nice for all students to be honest, but my mind and body are in two different places right now. I'm ready to delete all these apps and pictures of school work off my phone. They're taking up too much storage. Anyways though, I hope y'all are having a great day :)


  1. Yeah it’s important to pick a career you love and enjoy and I’m sure you’ll be great at it 🥳 lol and I agree with you on the deleting all the pics because of school they take up to much space and it makes me feel sad looking at it 😂

  2. Ryona, you are too funny! lol. You do not have to present anything; you will simply compose all of your research into a powerpoint presentation. Easy as pie!!! Just follow everything step by step, and you will thank me in the end. Your favorite teacher, Mr. Rease!


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