why are the prompts written like that?

 Hey y'all:), it is 9:15pm and I almost took a 0 for todays blog post but then my friend reminded me and I thought that was so sweet so here I am...trying to remember what happened in class. We didn't do a bell ringer today, instead we looked over our thesis statements from yesterday and decided whether they were fame or shame. Mine was actually almost a fame, but the position I chose wasn't clear which was only obvious after he pointed it out. Anyways, we had to write a paragraph on if the annual Buy Nothing Day was beneficial. I wrote my thesis and for some reason when I began writing my paragraph I couldn't elaborate on my points from the thesis. I was basically stuck. I have an essay on Monday, so I'll take note of my disadvantages. I really just have to make better points. ALSOOOOOO, getting evidence 2 and elaborating more on it is lowkey hard. But I'm pretty sure it all starts in my thesis, so I'm just gonna keep that in mind while writing my essay. In my opinion, the prompts are written so dumb . Why are they making it so difficult to understand? I'm guessing that's how many people write about a topic that doesn't relate to the prompt. I like the outline he gave us for the paragraphs, cause in my old essays I'd just talk about anything that came to mind. Why didn't they teach me this already? I think more people should know about this.


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