etc, etc, etc

 Hey y'all, today was extremely boring. We were going over how to gather evidence for our synthesis essay and how to use it to support our claims. It was really easy. He was also saying how we would have to upload the notes we took from the lesson today, etc, etc, etc. SO BORING. The prompt today was about if libraries were necessary, and my claim was about how they weren't. I wasn't even listening that much, and spent the whole class period playing 2048 and wishing the class period would end so I could go outside. Finally, it's over but I can't go outside right now because my grandmother wants me to help her with something I think. I would rate today a 2/10, maybe tomorrow will be better. I probably feel like this because I've just been watching the time til it ends instead of just giving the class my full attention. But it's just SO BORINGGGGGGG.


  1. I'm sorry you feel that way Ryona, yeah today was a bit boring ,but at the same time it was informative. I'm also glad it is getting warmer too, since that means there is more stuff to do.


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