ez project

Bonjour:), the class period today went by somewhat quickly. We worked on analyzing images, and personally I think I'm pretty good at it. I just got done doing the assignment for his class on analyzing and it wasn't hard at all. It was pouring today, so I was gonna use that as an excuse not to come to class but then it got sunny outside before 3rd period, unfortunately, so I just went. My 3rd made me really tired, so when I got to 4th I was struggling to stay up. I think the only reason I made it through the whole period without falling asleep was because my friends were texting me. They need to get a life. Anyways, I don't have much to say about today. The sun is out, but it's still wet outside so I'm kind of contemplating on if I should go outside or not. I would give today's class period like a 6/10. Oh, and he was talking to us about our projects for his class and it's gonna be soooooooo freaking easy. I could literally do it in one day. But, he gave us until Thursday so that's great. I'll find out what my words are later on today I believe, but I probably won't look in google classroom until tomorrow morning. Okay, bye y'all. 


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