*murders friend for looking at wife*

Before I start my real blog post Geo forced me to put his name in my blog. Geo😐. Anyways y'all, class was really good today. We didn't do a bell ringer, but the lesson today was basically about explaining the evidence because I'm guessing the class as a whole has a hard time with that. I didn't think I explained my evidence very well, until his feedback told me otherwise. But, I made sure I wrote down questions to ask myself when writing the essay which were: What does this tell readers? Why does it matter? How does it relate to the claim? What does this prove?  In what ways does this support my claim? We also related explaining evidence to how lawyers have to explain evidence in court cases. Today was funny as well, cause seriously though why are you murdering your friend for looking at your wife? LOL. I would be so pissed if I got murdered for something like that. That is so petty. 


  1. Why are you lying to these people, I never said that.


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