that video is hilarious

 Greetings. I think I forgot to tell y'all about the project Mr. Reese assigned us last week. He gave us definitions and we had compose a video that had other videos related to the word. For example, if I had the word angry, I would just find a video of somebody who was angry. Anyways, it was due today, and we presented. He didn't tell us that we'd have to give a little commentary about our videos so it took me by surprise. Some of the videos from my other class mates were funny, but y'all when he played mine I was literally dying at the first video. I will forever think that video is hilarious. Should I post my project on my tiktok? Y'all should follow me, it's @ry.ona. Y'all can watch my most recent video, but if y'all watch the others ones y'all are just being extra. I'm not that person anymore, so don't watch them. And no, I'm not deleting them. We have another project that he somewhat talked about, and honestly, I'm not trying to do another project any time soon. The class period wasn't boring today, and I was in a pretty good mood because I enjoyed my 3rd period. I was supposed to tell y'all about the 2 suckiest people in the world you could ever come across in your life time on Tuesday, but they're not as sucky anymore. We don't have class tomorrow, so tomorrow will probably be the best day of my life. Will I be doing the asynchronous work he assigns tomorrow??? No. Okay, yes. With that being said, bye. 


  1. Heyy, I didn't want another project either but, the topics are interesting. I didn't hear the last part of what we had to do but, I was caught up to speed later.

  2. Do you mind telling us who those 2 people are? :)


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