thesis doesn't connect with prompt *straight face emoji*

GUESS WHAT YALL!!! No essay today. I literally manifested this. I wasn't nervous coming into class today but I can definitely say my heart was beating a tad bit fast. He gave us feedback on our body paragraph and thesis statement I was telling y'all about on Friday. Y'all better be keeping up 😒. Anyways, mine was actually really good. The only problem was that my thesis statement DID NOT connect with the prompt. Y'ALL this is the 2nd timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. If the prompts weren't so sucky, maybe I could understand it better. Honestly, I can't even say that cause this was actually a pretty easy prompt. This is obviously a bad problem that I have because if I write an essay about something that doesn't match the prompt that's literally a 0. They're gonna be staring at my paper like "confused emoji". They need to add more emojis in this junk. I need y'all to understand me, and the only way y'all can is with certain emojis. That's besides the point though, I went lowkey hard in this body paragraph and thesis because I needed seriously. His class today was really good. I'm glad we're getting more time to practice on the things that we're lacking. Hopefully the class does good on Thursday. 


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