boring ain't even the word

 I did not miss these type of days. Boring ain't even the word. Today just reminded me how I used to feel about this class in early February. Only the OG's really remember. Absolutely hated this class. Anyways, we began learning about the Rhetorical Analysis essay, and I truly doubt that it's complicated because if it was he would've taught us that one first. We were analyzing the intro of the Martin Luther King's speech that pretty much everybody knows, and he highlighted the parts that used figurative language, asked us  questions, and mostly just talked about stuff I don't even remember to be honest. Boring. Let's talk about me. Today I was literally dying because my nose was stuffed TO THE MAX for NO REASON. I should've used it as an excuse to not come to any of my classes. I woke up at around 5 or 6 cause I couldn't breathe, and I'm surprised I ain't wake nobody up the way I was trying not to suffocate. I was in the bathroom for forever just trying to breathe correctly. Also, um please do not under any circumstances put Eucalyptus Oil under your nose. Don't even ask why, I'm just trying to help y'all not suffer 4th degree burns. Learn from my mistakes. Oh, and let's not forget that my friends all of a sudden think they're doctors and start trying to diagnose me. I could breathe by the end of 3rd period, but the area around my nose felt kinda painful. Okay, I'm done. I'll rate the class period a 2/10.


  1. Yeah today went by a bit slow for me ohh and when have a stuffy nose I use a humidifier that usally clears it up.

    1. Looks like I'll be investing in a humidifier soon, thanks! :)

  2. LOOOOOOL , in my past life time I was a doctor 🤷🏽‍♀️ #hater #seriously #4L

    1. #capper #thisisntgreysanatomy. Ma'am, in your past life you were beetle juice


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