chicken butt

Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!  Guess what! Guess what! Okay, so today we had to write a synthesis essay, which I forgot about but the best human in the world reminded me #Arian. She reminded me before 3rd period, and I started getting  anxious and nervous cause I was having flashbacks of last time LOL. Seriously though y'all, I started to feel myself about to hyperventilate so I had to take like 10 minutes to calm myself down. I don't know why I got so nervous, because I've been practicing so I'm super confident in myself. Y'ALL AFTER I FINISHED I WAS SO FREAKING HAPPY. I STARTED GOING TO EVERYBODY IN MY HOUSE ROOM AND TELLING THEM ABOUT MY ACCOMPLISHMENT. I EVEN WOKE MY GRANDMOTHER UP OUT OF HER SLEEP SO I COULD TELL HER ABOUT IT. I gotta go celebrate and light myself up a cigarette. Kidding. I swear. Arian does that though, not me. The prompt was on Meatless Monday's which I thought was easy. I didn't like the sources that much cause I felt like I couldn't make my claims fit with it, BUT I did it y'all. I did it. I wish I could put gifs in here. I'm proud of myself. Also, we were supposed to write our synthesis essay on the topic we had for our projects I believe, but I guess multiple students in the class didn't do it the way he wanted which sucked. I was so ready to write my essay on my topic, but he ended up picking a different topic that the whole class had to do. Very lame of him. OH, he was talking to us today about how the school is only paying for 2 AP classes, but I have 3. So they better come up with a way to pay for all my 3. I would rate today a 9/10, since there wasn't much talking and I was really in my head the whole time. 


  1. Purrrrrrr look at you such an improvement from the last time you had to write a essay go onnnnn gurllllllllll so proud🙂!!!!!! Ima light one up for the both of us. You prefer the Red or Green pack of Newport? Or are you a Marlboro 🤢. Jp byee

  2. what the world 😂 I can't breathe , you are crazy dude #LOL


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