not a priority

 Bonjour :) Today feels like such a drag since spring break is next week. It's unnecessary to have this week of school in my opinion, the least they could do is give us Thursday and Friday off. There's nothing to do since teaching us anything new would be pointless, we're literally getting busy work at this point. Class went by somewhat fast. There's not much to say about it since almost all we did was listen to him give instructions about how to find our sources. The sources are due on the 12th, and he said he wouldn't give us work over spring break. Is this not work over spring break????? To me, as soon as the weekend begins it's automatically spring break, and he also said that we wouldn't be able to complete this in a short period of time. Therefore, I'll be doing this over spring break. It's not much to do, but it's still stuff to do. Understand?  He lied, simple. Anyways, since him explaining what to do took up most of the class period we were in breakout rooms for a short amount of time. Fortunately, me and my partners were able to fully understand our parts, so finding our sources shouldn't be difficult. Honestly, if I really wanted to, I could get this done before Sunday. But, I have other work that's due sooner so I have to figure out a way to fit this into my schedule. Yes, fit it into my schedule, cause this isn't really worth my time. Not a priority. Kidding, I'll get it done, bye. Wait, I forgot it's literally April Fools' Day, somebody fool me or something, dang. 


  1. Yeah, I kinda feel the same actually I just want Friday to go by quick and get my work done so we can have Spring Break to relax


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