something like that

Boring. All my classes today. Just boring. Especially 3rd and 4th. School takes up way too much time of my life and continues to be the most boring part of my day. Those 2 periods, and a little bit of 2nd were so freaking draining. I didn't wanna be there. Today in 4th, Mr. Rease went step by step on the strategy he'd prefer us to use when writing a rhetorical essay, and he made us come up with a thesis to use in the introduction. He used mine cause duh, why wouldn't he? I didn't like some of the verbs he used in the body paragraph, and the sentences he came up with were different from the ones I made in my head. I think I remember him saying that we'd have a lot of notes to write down, but I barely wrote down anything. The only reason I actually gave him my full attention is because I swear I remember him saying something like that.  The example intro and body we did together is pretty good for reference, so I'll look over that someday. He told us that we wouldn't be writing an in class rhetorical essay on Friday anymore, and I would've felt somewhat happy if I hadn't already predicted that. #manifesting. Honestly, it was hard to believe that we'd have 2 essays in 1 week, but now instead of the full essay, we have to write an intro and a body. Easy.  Today gets a .2/10, and that's only because I chuckled a little bit (more so just heavily blew air through my nose) when he asked the class to imagine one of my friends struggling to unmute their mic. #nopronouns. Unfortunately, the day is almost over and I'm probably gonna go back to my other sleep schedule cause the one I have right now sucks. I could talk about more, but I summed it up for y'all so that's pretty much it. Enjoy the rest of your day. :)


  1. Yesss, honestly school gets my draining sometimes too and I miss when we had school from 9:45 - 1:50 I really liked that schedule and I still got all my work done and understood everything. Now I feel like the day goes by sooo fast after school

  2. A .2/10 wow that’s terrible and yes Linda having that old schedule was way better because most of the time we just sit in silence for the 1 1/2 class periods very extra


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