when it's boring

There wasn't really much that happened today. I barely remember anything from the class period. We mostly just analyzed a speech I believe from a man named Chavez. I think. Mr. Rease was going down the attendance list and asking people to read; this just makes me so grateful that my name starts with an R. Even if he did it by last names, I'm still towards the end of the list. I wouldn't describe the class period as boring, but it definitely wasn't something I enjoyed. He was going on about how he read our blogs and seen that many people thought the class period was boring and slow. SO FUNNY. I don't think y'all understand how boring it is in this man class sometimes, and when it's boring I mean it's BORINGGGGGGGG. Like unbearably boring. We ended off the class period with a letter that we had to analyze in 10 minutes which was pretty easy, but some students obviously didn't read the letter and the answers they gave had me cracking up. I guess they thought that he was giving us the answers to them, and I almost thought that too but the formatting and lengths of the paragraphs of the letter were different from the speech. My memory isn't up to par today, so there isn't really much I can tell y'all about. Bye.


  1. Yeah,pretty much same here. My attention span at the end of the day pretty much goes away sometimes.

  2. You don't like nothing 😂, and same I WAS DEAD! #notliterally


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