last blog post.. til august

 Hey y'all, I know my last post was supposed to be the one I made giving advice, but I thought that was so lame. So, this is my real last blog post... until August cause I'm definitely gonna talk junk on here about my next teachers.  In class today, we barely did anything because he was just putting in the final final grade. I was sad, but happy at the same time. I'm happy I got one more laugh before I left the class forreal. He said I was the blog champion of the class and that took me outttttttttttt😂.  I remember I hated this class so freaking much, and it ended up becoming my favorite class of the day. With all the funny comments that were made by Mr. Rease, and my friends blowing my phone up with laughing emojis, this class never failed to put a smile on my face. I would have never thought that I'd enjoy blogging this much, and it has actually gave me some ideas on hobbies or even what I could become in the future. Updating this blog every school day was something I looked forward to after all of my other boring classes. Kinda sucks that this is a goodbye. Thanks for everything Mr. Rease, I'm glad I got the opportunity to be in this class. I don't wanna make this sad or anything, but it's a little hard not to. So, lets talk about my birthday. It's on June 8th and everyone who reads this should get me a birthday present. I'm really really hoping that I'm in New York for the summer and my birthday, because I know that I'll genuinely be happy there. If not, then *sigh* I'll try to do stuff here. If I'm still in Georgia on my birthday, please act like I don't exist. Please. And don't ask me what I did, because I'm not gonna tell you that I cried all day. Okay, okay, okay. I hope everyone has a great summer, and loved reading my blog as much as I loved updating it everyday. Be safe, bye y'all. <333333  :)


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