Hi! Guess what? I TOOK MY EXAM TODAY!!!! I got there at about 8:05am and we didn't take long to start. I'm pretty sure I was the second to last person to come in, and when I entered the library everybody was staring at me. All I could think was "oh my gosh, I know I'm sexy but chill y'all." Our proctor lowkey sucked, I can't even lie. I didn't get to see what she looked like because glasses+mask= horrible combo, so it was only necessary to remove one of them. Y'all I was VERY excited coming into the exam, and after a while of the proctor reading the boring parts over and over again, my mind was like, " This is what you were excited for? Are you kidding me?" I was just happy when she gave us permission to begin. Okay seriously, lets talk about the exam. We began with the multiple choice, which was a a lot easier than I thought it'd be. When she announced that we had about 10 minutes left, I was already on question 35 and knew that I'd finish in less than 10 minutes. Since I finished early, I took some time to go look back at the first and second question that I was unsure about and fortunately I was able decided on the best answer for those question. The passages weren't as difficult to understand compared to the ones that I've used for self practice. Now, let me tell y'all about the essay section. Actually, let me tell y'all about yesterday before I tell y'all about the essay section. Okay, so yesterday I was really happy about the advice I got and proceeded telling myself not to even worry about it anymore because the prompts would be extremely easy. I basically convinced myself that I wouldn't struggle on the exam, in less than 24 hours. I swear on everything, I just knew the prompts that would be given were going to be the easiest things in the world that I could relate to without a doubt. Y'ALL THE SECOND I READ THE PROMPT I KNEW FOR A FACT THAT THIS SECTION WAS GONNA BE A BREEZE! #manifestation. While writing my essays though, they had use the skinniest pens on earth. I felt like I couldn't even get a good grip on that junk. PLUS, my hands were sweating the whole entire time. I had to stop writing every few minutes to wipe the moistness of my hands onto my pants. My clammy hands and that skinny pen were just not suited for each other. Also, as soon as I started my first essay, my hand started to cramp up on the first freaking paragraph. Thinking about it now is kind of funny. I got used to writing with clammy hands after I got to the middle of my first essay, but I continued having to wipe them off throughout the entire time we had. Did I finish all my essays? Basically. I saved some space to make sure to come back to the less important things, but all the true important aspects of an essay are in there. How do I think I did? I honestly have no clue, and I refuse to look at my score in July, so my friends better not ask me what I got. I'm just trying to enjoy my summer this year. I'm not proclaiming that I did terrific, but I refuse to let my mind make me think that I did horrible. To be honest, I'm lowkey scared to post this cause I swear if I get disqualified it's Mr. Rease's fault cause he told us to post today. I'm pretty sure I'm vague enough though. I'm glad I got the opportunity to take this exam. 


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