last few questions

 Hi y'all, today has left me feeling super sleepy. Especially cause I've been in bed all day since all my teachers either ended class extra early or gave some of us permission to go. I've done little to nothing in every one of my classes but for some reason it still takes a lot out of me. In class, Mr. Rease proceeded with the instructions for the next part of the project which took forever, and I forgot how to get the answers to the last few questions for the worksheet. I also had to switch the college I chose because they didn't have the major I was looking for. He literally gave us all the answers for the college that I'm looking into now, and I just have no clue how to he got them. Why is the page so confusing? I'm just gonna get back to it later or after I take a nap. Anyways y'all, I have to go walk my dog before it starts raining so I'll update y'all on Thursday. 


  1. Near the end of the page where it said to find the amount of credit hours I got a bit lost ,but basically you go to the college website go under majors and I think there should be something called requirements or course something.


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