the final exam

 Hi :) Today went by kinda slow. I ended up falling asleep in 3rd period like 4 times, and just left because we weren't doing a single thing. When 4th period started, I felt more awake probably because I actually got up out of bed. We didn't do much in class, and the final exam was SO FREAKING EASY. I wish my 3rd period teacher was like this. I ended up taking away her title as my favorite teacher a few months ago because I really started to dread going to her class. She's the reason I seriously want school to be over already. It didn't take me long to finish the main parts of the presentation, but it took me forever to upload a picture on the first slide. That was the last thing I chose to do. I spent so much unnecessary time in class trying to do that, and my computer didn't want to upload it so I had to ask my brother for his computer. He was already doing something on it, so I had to wait about 7 minutes for him to let me borrow his. After that though, I uploaded it really easily and helped my grandmother with some stuff. Y'all, this is my second to last blog post and I'm kinda sad about it because I really enjoyed posting everyday on here and talking trash about his class😂. I would go more in depth, but I don't want this post or my last post to be all depressing. For real though, imagine if I had this class for 2 semesters. I would've been wrote an essay on this class. Thinking about how I use to feel and what I wrote about this class in my earlier blog posts are super funny to me. My future self is gonna have a great time reading all of them, especially the comments. Anyways, y'all should go outside today. It's really nice out. 


  1. I can only imagine how hilarious your blogs would’ve been for two semesters 🤣🤣🤣


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