
Showing posts from February, 2021

why are the prompts written like that?

 Hey y'all:), it is 9:15pm and I almost took a 0 for todays blog post but then my friend reminded me and I thought that was so sweet so here I am...trying to remember what happened in class. We didn't do a bell ringer today, instead we looked over our thesis statements from yesterday and decided whether they were fame or shame. Mine was actually almost a fame, but the position I chose wasn't clear which was only obvious after he pointed it out. Anyways, we had to write a paragraph on if the annual Buy Nothing Day was beneficial. I wrote my thesis and for some reason when I began writing my paragraph I couldn't elaborate on my points from the thesis. I was basically stuck. I have an essay on Monday, so I'll take note of my disadvantages. I really just have to make better points. ALSOOOOOO, getting evidence 2 and elaborating more on it is lowkey hard. But I'm pretty sure it all starts in my thesis, so I'm just gonna keep that in mind while writing my essay. In

plenty of room for improvement

 I have recently realized I have no idea how to write an intro, thesis, nor do I know how to comprehend prompts. March is approaching, and after that it'll be about 2 months and a few weeks until the AP Exam. I need to work more on my brainstorming skills and coming up with ideas. Also, I think I need to work on comprehending prompts so that I don't end up getting writers block in the middle of the exam. To be honest, I think I'm just gonna work on my own and teach myself. Basically just more practice, because I was stuck on the thesis statement for wayyyyyyyy too long.

daydreaming for less than 90 min

 With all honesty, I was barely paying attention today. But, I did write notes and answer a few questions. It's only been a few minutes after class ended, and I can't even recollect what happened. The only things I remember was us taking notes, drawing an umbrella, and went over a prompt. He talked about way more stuff, but honestly sometimes it's really just "filler sentences" that my mind doesn't pay attention to when he's speaking. Today was a really good day though, and the class period was nice. 8/10

Blame It On Us

 The title of my poem is Blame It On Us. It is about how white people don't take responsibility of the things that they've done. I don't really have any inspiration for this poem. Also, the poem is somewhat like a dialogue. My theme would have to be ignorance and irresponsibility.  Blame It On Us 400+ years of slavery You weren’t even a slave, don’t blame it on us Little to no representation in movies, magazines, and unrealistic beauty standards You don’t even wanna be famous. Why does that matter, you can’t blame it on us Stereotypes set for black people which caused us to rip away our culture and who we are so we wouldn’t fit into it Okay, we have nothing to do with that, you shouldn’t blame it on us What about the divide you caused between skin complexions, and whoever is the lightest wins and like usual the darkest loses. Do you even understand the generational trauma that we go through? No, so there should be no reason for you to blame it on us Alright fine I won’t bla

best bell ringer so far :)

 I really really really really liked the bell ringer today. The question was what does it mean to be a man. Honestly, I didn't submit mine when he said submit because I didn't want him to call on me. Y'ALL THIS MAN REALLY CALLED ON ME! He know he didn't see my name in the list of folks who submitted. Anyways, my answer was good. I said something along the lines of " Being a man means not being threatened by another man when he shows that he's human and not being afraid to be human yourself. Because masculine qualities don't define a man." Great bell ringer. After that, we did this quiz together that he's not even grading, but I got a 7/7. We just practiced our process of elimination skills again, it wasn't really much to do. BUT FOR SOME REASON WE STILL USED ALMOST 90 MIN OF CLASS. He did let us go early though, so that was nice. Class was really good today, I can't even lie. AND I had my camera on AND answered a few questions so I have at

poor connection

 Y'all, class today was sucky. Why? Because my wifi was being absolute trash. I don't even know why it was being like that, and it never does that so I don't understand why it wanted to act up today. Also, class today felt a lot slower than usual for some reason. I would be more expressive on how I felt today in class but it is 8:20pm, and I just want to lay down and scroll through TikTok. We read a passage about this lady who uses different englishes when talking to people depending on her comfortability. I actually really enjoyed it. I would give it a 9/10 and it was easy to understand. Then we had to answer questions, and um they were a little hard to be honest. Mostly because I didn't know the meaning of certain words. We did this to just practice our process of elimination skills. And while he was asking questions my computer was not playing it's part. He asked me a question while I was on a different tab reading the passage, and why did my mind go blank? In th

idek what to name this, and I don't wanna continue writing dates

 "I do keep track of your points Ryona", HILARIOUS yall😂. Great way to start out the period. Me and Arian were cracking up. Anyways, after that happened he started talking about how we need to be more realistic I guess you could say in our blogs. Then I proceeded to say in my head " he need to show the class my blog to let them know what a real blog should look like!!" He was also talking about how other students just write about what he taught. Personally, I could never because what on Earth do I look like typing about what he taught when I can barely remember what we did 2 minutes after class ends? Exactly. I really did enjoy class today, maybe it's because I got a pretty good laugh in the beginning. I answered a question wrong, and almost shut this computer down cause I know I was right. OHHH, and lets not forget that he tried gin yall. Can we say rebellious teenager?????? He knows he wasn't supposed to sip that, and when he did it really showed him wass


Hey guys, so this period was actually good. He ended class early so that's what made it a 8/10.We touched on rhetoric of place. It was pretty simple. I turned my camera on for some points, and I don't even think he really put my points in. That's fine though, because I'll keep track of my points by myself. Can't let him play me out my coupon. Anyways, we watched a video of George W. Bush's presidential address where he talked about terrorists in Afghanistan trying to split our militaries wigs, and the actions we were taking as a country. His speech showed us the importance of why, how, and where an authorative figure chooses to do his/her speech matters. We concluded with an assessment that was pretty easy and I got a 100.


Today was a pretty chill period. He was talking to us about coupons we could receive when we get enough points. To get points we have to turn on our cameras and have our cameras on plus answer questions. We went over another prompt where we basically just went over breaking down claim and evidence. Also, the bell ringer was nice today. We watched a video, and we had to write about what the message of the video was and what we learned. The class period went by fairly quickly mainly because I was barely paying attention. But, I did answer some easy questions so kudos to me. I don't have much to say, so um if you're reading this.. why are you on my blog? Because I don't think Mr.Reese reads these.


 Most boring class period of the day.:/ Are you kidding me. We had to watch Trump talk for about 9 minutes. But he kept pausing it to ask questions, give commentary, and highlight the transcript. Oh my gosh guys, I can't take this anymore. Who wants to listen to Trump talk for 15+ minutes? Anyways, he asked me a question pertaining to what Trump used to say all the time as if I really pay attention to that man. I learned about crisis rhetoric, and watched Donald use it in his "speech". To be honest, I'm ready to do this AP Exam and go. 3:10 has never felt so far away. The only thing I enjoy about this class is usually the bell ringer because for some reason I'm so passionate about what I write during them. Those are some pretty good prompts, I can't even lie. Anyways, today was a 3/10. 


Another 90 minutes wasted on this class. Just waiting and waiting and waiting for 3:10pm. But, even though I wanted to leave I did learn how to create a better claim. I learned about the importance on why I need to be more specific, and was given examples as to what I should and shouldn't do. With all honesty, class was actually not that bad. And even though I don't enjoy class to the fullest extent, I can definitely say I learn something new everyday. Usually pertaining to why I hate this class so much. 


My frustration today was at an all time high. We did 2 prompts where one pertained to gender neutral toys, and the other about diversity among teachers. Personally, I didn't know it was gonna be that hard without any guidance from Mr.Tarvaris. Empty mind, per usual. I did learn that I need to better organize my thoughts in less time. I'm guessing I did pretty well though, I just need more practice.


I somewhat enjoyed class today, even though for the past few days everything just seems quite repetitive. We went over another prompt which had to do with sense of self and ownership. I got a better understanding about more efficient ways to formulate my ideas, even though I didn't agree with a few things said during the period. I didn't enjoy how long this class takes, and since the class doesn't really participate it feels like class just goes extra slow. Once again though, the class isn't bad I guess, but 90 min. VIRTUAL class periods are not it.

2/1/21: Reflection

 Today we analyzed a poem by Langston Hughes titled The Negro Speaks of Rivers . When he first began reading, my mind was empty and I was genuinely so confused about the meaning of the poem. As we broke the poem into pieces and began working as a class to understand it, I realized the true importance of the poem. The poem made me once again think about how black people are treated less than everyone else when we were the first on the planet. I enjoyed the repetition the author used to emphasize what he believed was important. Likewise, I enjoyed his use of rhetorical devices such as his use of personification in line 7. My thoughts throughout the whole period were centered around the creativity of black authors during those times, and the strong powerful meanings in their work.