
Showing posts from May, 2021

last blog post.. til august

 Hey y'all, I know my last post was supposed to be the one I made giving advice, but I thought that was so lame. So, this is my real last blog post... until August cause I'm definitely gonna talk junk on here about my next teachers.  In class today, we barely did anything because he was just putting in the final final grade. I was sad, but happy at the same time. I'm happy I got one more laugh before I left the class forreal. He said I was the blog champion of the class and that took me outttttttttttt😂.  I remember I hated this class so freaking much, and it ended up becoming my favorite class of the day. With all the funny comments that were made by Mr. Rease, and my friends blowing my phone up with laughing emojis, this class never failed to put a smile on my face. I would have never thought that I'd enjoy blogging this much, and it has actually gave me some ideas on hobbies or even what I could become in the future. Updating this blog every school day was something

last prompt

 Some advice I'd give to the next students coming in would simply be to practice. Seriously, if you've never practiced writing an essay in 40 minutes, it's best that you work on that and actually make time to do that. Also, work on your comprehension skills PLEASE. Because some of these passages they give are so confusing. You gotta make sure you remember all the suggestions that are given for writing an essay, cause to be honest, it's the best one I've came across so far. OHHHH and let's not forget commentary. COMMENTART COMMENTARY COMMENTARY. It's more important than I thought it was in the beginning of the year. The thesis is really the backbone of the essay too, so have it down pat before exam time. Lastly, I'd just say to take your time and don't stress. If you start practicing early, you'll be good. And before I really end this off, don't be boring in your blog. It sucks, and your partner will probably hate you. Cause when a persons blo

the final exam

 Hi :) Today went by kinda slow. I ended up falling asleep in 3rd period like 4 times, and just left because we weren't doing a single thing. When 4th period started, I felt more awake probably because I actually got up out of bed. We didn't do much in class, and the final exam was SO FREAKING EASY. I wish my 3rd period teacher was like this. I ended up taking away her title as my favorite teacher a few months ago because I really started to dread going to her class. She's the reason I seriously want school to be over already. It didn't take me long to finish the main parts of the presentation, but it took me forever to upload a picture on the first slide. That was the last thing I chose to do. I spent so much unnecessary time in class trying to do that, and my computer didn't want to upload it so I had to ask my brother for his computer. He was already doing something on it, so I had to wait about 7 minutes for him to let me borrow his. After that though, I uploade

last few questions

 Hi y'all, today has left me feeling super sleepy. Especially cause I've been in bed all day since all my teachers either ended class extra early or gave some of us permission to go. I've done little to nothing in every one of my classes but for some reason it still takes a lot out of me. In class, Mr. Rease proceeded with the instructions for the next part of the project which took forever, and I forgot how to get the answers to the last few questions for the worksheet. I also had to switch the college I chose because they didn't have the major I was looking for. He literally gave us all the answers for the college that I'm looking into now, and I just have no clue how to he got them. Why is the page so confusing? I'm just gonna get back to it later or after I take a nap. Anyways y'all, I have to go walk my dog before it starts raining so I'll update y'all on Thursday. 

use me as a substitute

 Bonjour you guys! Class today was boringggggggggg. We started class with a bell ringer, which was surprising because we haven't had one in 7 months. It was basically asking us what career field we'd like to go into and why. Y'all, I don't freaking know. I think about that on a daily, and I still have no clue what I want to do. And since the bell ringer was connected to the work period, I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the class time. We unfortunately have a project on the career we choose, PLUS WE HAVE TO PRESENT. How could a teacher be so extra on the last few days of school? This is crazy. The rest of the parts of the project are fine, but the presenting part is SO UNNECESSARY. Now that's all I'm gonna think about while doing it. Makes me wanna erase everything I said about him in my last blog post. Also, I feel so pressured to choose a career. I might just have to pick a random one, for obvious reasons. I don't want a boring job. I don't w

what can be improved in this course?

 To be honest, I think that Mr. Rease did a pretty great job teaching us how to write 3 essays and complete multiple choice questions in such a short amount of time. Especially since he barely ever gave us any work to do after school, and usually let us leave class quite early. He effectively taught a 2 semester course in only 1 semester without overwhelming us with loads of work. Even when he did give us work, it was always something really easy. I can barely recall any of the work he gave us since it was so infrequent. Yes, additional time in this course more than likely would've helped me to write a better essay, but everything I learned is all I needed to pass the exam. And the fact that he had a formula for all the parts of an essay were >>>>>>>>>! Will literally be using that for the rest of my life whenever I have to write an essay. It's ingrained in my head. With that being said, I don't think there's anything Mr. Rease could do to imp


 Hi! Guess what? I TOOK MY EXAM TODAY!!!! I got there at about 8:05am and we didn't take long to start. I'm pretty sure I was the second to last person to come in, and when I entered the library everybody was staring at me. All I could think was "oh my gosh, I know I'm sexy but chill y'all." Our proctor lowkey sucked, I can't even lie. I didn't get to see what she looked like because glasses+mask= horrible combo, so it was only necessary to remove one of them. Y'all I was VERY excited coming into the exam, and after a while of the proctor reading the boring parts over and over again, my mind was like, " This is what you were excited for? Are you kidding me?" I was just happy when she gave us permission to begin. Okay seriously, lets talk about the exam. We began with the multiple choice, which was a a lot easier than I thought it'd be. When she announced that we had about 10 minutes left, I was already on question 35 and knew that I&#

me, my partner, and my trio

Heyyyy y'all, I am extremely excited for the exam tomorrow. I finally got to talk to Mr. Rease about my performance on the mock exam and the whole conversation gave me way more confidence than I had before. I feel 10x better about it compared to how I was feeling earlier. Before, I thought my claims didn't match well with everything else I was saying and that nothing I said even made sense, but actually seeing what I wrote for a second time made me realize I didn't do horrible and that everything pretty much did make sense. The negative thoughts about my performance were a few days after the mock, cause that was pretty much the only thing I could think about. Him trying to read my handwriting was hilarious y'all! The advice he gave me was 👌. Very much needed. I think I have the synthesis and argumentative essay pretty down pat, but I need to refresh my memory a bit more on the outline for the rhetorical analysis one. AND I HAVE TO MAKE SURE MY CLAIMS MATCH WITH WHAT TH

cannot match my energy

 Bonjour y'all, I was gonna start this blog post all boring and saying the past few weeks have been overwhelming (which is still true), but I seen that Mr. Rease commented on my last post and it made me soooooooo happy. I started cracking up and screaming for a good 5 minutes. I was on the phone screaming to my friend about it and he just wasn't reciprocating the energy that I was giving. I had to hang up on him, and give him a chance to start over but he still gave the suckiest energy. I was still super happy and continued screaming though. Most of the time, I feel like people cannot match my energy when I'm happy. For example, if something makes me super happy I'll literally scream with joy and it gets to a point where I have no idea what to do to express my happiness so I just start doing the weirdest stuff ever or screaming louder, but I've noticed that when other people are really happy about something they'll just have like a mini burst of excitement and b

get my name called

Hiiiiiiiii, I know y'all missed me. Class was extremely uninteresting because Mr. Rease was taking individual students in separate rooms to talk about how they did on a certain essay during the mock exam. The assignment he gave us to pass time, in my opinion, was super confusing and the passage was GARBAGE. It wasn't even really a passage, it was actually a single paragraph that made absolutely no sense. I still don't know what it's about. Back then, they used to write so stupid but now it's called "sophisticated". Anyways, the whole period was really just me waiting to get my name called. After Arian got her feedback, which took forever, I knew for sure that I wasn't gonna get my name called any time soon. I finished the assignment pretty quickly and spent  the rest of the time beating my friend in iMessage games. I can't even begin to explain to y'all how trash he is. Since class was boring, I don't have much to say about it. So, lets tal

falling asleep

 Hey y’all, I didn’t go to 3rd or 4th period today cause my wifi chose to stop working. First, I was kinda happy about it because I didn’t wanna go to 3rd today. I ended up falling asleep, and when I woke up I realized that I’m gonna have a good amount of work to do. PLUS my psychopath APUSH teacher gave us these final review assignments to do on usatestprep, and one of them has over 70 questions😐. It’s literally due in 2 days, and my wifi is just showing its true colors. I was supposed to start on it today but.. yk. Hopefully it decides to start working tomorrow because I’m not trying to have a lot of work to do on Wednesday.