
Showing posts from April, 2021

that was weird

Hi :) Mr. Rease ended the class period pretty early, and since my first post was for the bell ringer I have to do another one. Before I start telling y'all about both today and yesterday I just want y'all to know that you should never listen to Geo when it comes to updating your blog or not. He will always give you the wrong answer, seriously. Anyways, yesterday was such a good day. I took the mock exam, and I was happy to see the people that came. Mostly Arian. The prompt about space really sucked. I'm not interested in ANYTHING at all involving what folks are doing with space. When I finished my first paragraph of that essay, I realized that I wasn't doing it as right as I thought I was. I think the first paragraph still goes with my essay, but the prompt and sources were dumb. I hated it. ALSO, that's the only essay I wrote that had 3 body paragraphs. It's so hard to write 3 body paragraphs in that amount of time. Now, with the rhetorical analysis essay, it g

prompts weren't bad

 Hey y'all, Mr. Rease is making us do our blog post for the bell ringer since most people didn't do it yesterday. YALL I WENT TO THE MOCK EXAM. It was barely anybody in there, and it was a pretty a nice environment. Anyways, writing 3 essays in such a short amount of time isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I'm pretty sure I could do better, and by the time I got to the 3rd essay my hand felt like it was about to fall offffff. The prompts weren't bad, and I liked the multiple choice. The passages for the multiple choice weren't as hard to understand as I thought they were gonna be. I had to do so much flipping though, gosh. 

pace and handwriting

 Hey y'all :) today was better than yesterday. We got back the results from our rhetorical analysis intro and body paragraph, and all I did was look on the the tips and commentary he gave. I still haven't looked at my score because I'm not trynna have chest pain for the rest of the day. I don't think I did bad, because the feedback didn't really indicate that. The class period went by slow now that I'm thinking about it, but I was kind of too interested in class to notice. I don't remember much that happened today, but he briefly spoke on multiple choice and how we didn't have to do too much to pass. I'm pretty good with multiple choice, except in math. ALSOOOOOOO, Thursday we have the mock exam and I am SOOOOOO excited. I just wanna see my friends tbh. Since it's coming up, I've been really thinking a lot about my pace and handwriting. I write somewhat slow, and I've been told by numerous amounts of people that my handwriting is very har

mixed feelings

 Hey y'all. I think I'm gonna at least try to make this one short. So, today we seen our scores to our synthesis essay, and tips on what we could do better. I got a 3/6, not too bad and I understood what I had to do better. I'm trying so freaking hard to not be mad at myself. Maybe if I go outside I'll feel better. He made us ask a question, and mine was " What are you supposed to do if you can't figure out how to make a claim from the sources given?" Since time was running out and I was one of the last students that had a question, he briefly went over it, and I don't think he explained it well. The mock exam is on Thursday and I'm pretty excited. Not for the exam, but to see my friends duh. Tomorrow, we'll be seeing our scores to the rhetorical analysis essay. I'm having mixed feelings about this one, but I'm sure I did good. Kinda.. 

no idea how I finished

 Hey y'all, I just got done with my rhetorical analysis essay about 10 minutes ago. So during class he was talking about how we'd have to read the whole thing carefully, and that the piece isn't something you can skim through. YALL I SKIMMED THROUGH THAT WHOLE FREAKING THING. I didn't even fully read a single paragraph😂😂. I refused to read that whole thing, because I got all the rhetorical devices he used from around the first or second paragraphs I think. So what's the point? PLUS, I can't even annotate anyways, cause I'm not writing. So what do I look like reading that whole thing, gathering the devices in my head, then going back and forth to the passages? Not Ryona. That would take too long, in my opinion. It was pretty obvious what the whole eulogy was about, and eulogies are lowkey all the same and somewhat give the same message. I used up almost all my time, but I didn't like my introduction that much, specifically the first sentence. I NEVER kn

when it's boring

There wasn't really much that happened today. I barely remember anything from the class period. We mostly just analyzed a speech I believe from a man named Chavez. I think. Mr. Rease was going down the attendance list and asking people to read; this just makes me so grateful that my name starts with an R. Even if he did it by last names, I'm still towards the end of the list. I wouldn't describe the class period as boring, but it definitely wasn't something I enjoyed. He was going on about how he read our blogs and seen that many people thought the class period was boring and slow. SO FUNNY. I don't think y'all understand how boring it is in this man class sometimes, and when it's boring I mean it's BORINGGGGGGGG. Like unbearably boring. We ended off the class period with a letter that we had to analyze in 10 minutes which was pretty easy, but some students obviously didn't read the letter and the answers they gave had me cracking up. I guess they th

something like that

Boring. All my classes today. Just boring. Especially 3rd and 4th. School takes up way too much time of my life and continues to be the most boring part of my day. Those 2 periods, and a little bit of 2nd were so freaking draining. I didn't wanna be there. Today in 4th, Mr. Rease went step by step on the strategy he'd prefer us to use when writing a rhetorical essay, and he made us come up with a thesis to use in the introduction. He used mine cause duh, why wouldn't he? I didn't like some of the verbs he used in the body paragraph, and the sentences he came up with were different from the ones I made in my head. I think I remember him saying that we'd have a lot of notes to write down, but I barely wrote down anything. The only reason I actually gave him my full attention is because I swear I remember him saying something like that.  The example intro and body we did together is pretty good for reference, so I'll look over that someday. He told us that we would

chicken butt

Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!  Guess what! Guess what! Okay, so today we had to write a synthesis essay, which I forgot about but the best human in the world reminded me #Arian. She reminded me before 3rd period, and I started getting  anxious and nervous cause I was having flashbacks of last time LOL. Seriously though y'all, I started to feel myself about to hyperventilate so I had to take like 10 minutes to calm myself down. I don't know why I got so nervous, because I've been practicing so I'm super confident in myself. Y'ALL AFTER I FINISHED I WAS SO FREAKING HAPPY. I STARTED GOING TO EVERYBODY IN MY HOUSE ROOM AND TELLING THEM ABOUT MY ACCOMPLISHMENT. I EVEN WOKE MY GRANDMOTHER UP OUT OF HER SLEEP SO I COULD TELL HER ABOUT IT. I gotta go celebrate and light myself up a cigarette. Kidding. I swear. Arian does that though, not me. The prompt was on Meatless Monday's which I thought was easy. I

5 off the dome

 Hey y'all.. um.. no, this blog post isn't gonna be "funny", cause Geo ruined it for y'all. Y'all should go drag him in his blog comments or dox him.. please and thank you :) The class period took forever to get over with, and we just did a bunch of questions that correlated to the notes he was showing us. Personally, everything was pretty easy to understand, but I feel like the examples weren't the best he could have gave us. I just used a lily tote if y'all didn't catch that. Oh, and the things he wanted us to do in the google forms after he finished going over each rhetorical device were so dumb. Especially the first one where he wanted us to finish the sentence. Like, what? I thought I was gonna be identifying them, but nope, this man wanted us to come up with 5 off the dome. He was criticizing all my answers in each google form y'all, it was so embarassinnnngggggg LOL. He even had the audacity to ask the class what they think about the ans

boring ain't even the word

 I did not miss these type of days. Boring ain't even the word. Today just reminded me how I used to feel about this class in early February. Only the OG's really remember. Absolutely hated this class. Anyways, we began learning about the Rhetorical Analysis essay, and I truly doubt that it's complicated because if it was he would've taught us that one first. We were analyzing the intro of the Martin Luther King's speech that pretty much everybody knows, and he highlighted the parts that used figurative language, asked us  questions, and mostly just talked about stuff I don't even remember to be honest. Boring. Let's talk about me. Today I was literally dying because my nose was stuffed TO THE MAX for NO REASON. I should've used it as an excuse to not come to any of my classes. I woke up at around 5 or 6 cause I couldn't breathe, and I'm surprised I ain't wake nobody up the way I was trying not to suffocate. I was in the bathroom for forever

wasn't mandatory

 Hi :) Class was pretty good today, and fortunately we didn't do much in the main meeting. We basically had to revise our prompt, and pick which sources we would use. Me and my partner only had 20 combined cause the other girl in our group didn't do it. Anyways, Mr. Rease came to our room and asked us why we weren't coming to do the mock exam. I thought that we'd have to do it after school, and I wouldn't be able to make it, but by the time I already submitted my answer in the google forms, he said that we'd do it during school. I MIIGHTTTTTT take all my exams. It's been on my mind since one of my other ap teachers told us it wasn't mandatory. I might just flip a coin to choose if I should take it or not. I'm thinking about it way too hard. I GUESSSSSSS I'll do all of them. Maybe.. 

my partner was STRUGGLING

Spring break should have been 2 weeks. Waking up at 8 is garbage. I don't even pay attention in my first or second period, but I always know what's going on. Third and fourth period are usually >>>>>>>. Anyways, today we had to upload our sources in a folder, and the first few times Mr. Rease was explaining it like absolute trash. He gave us 10 minutes to upload everything, and I had to call my partner to see if she knew what she was doing. She didn't. So we're on the phone just complaining about how nothing he said made sense, and just trying to figure it out ourselves thennnnnn he calls my name and basically asks me if I know what I'm doing. SIR IF I KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING YOU WOULD'VE SEEN MY UPLOADS😂. I'm glad he called on me though, cause I know if he didn't I would've been trying to figure it out for myself the whole class period. After he explained it the first time to me, it didn't make sense, but when he asked me to

i’m gonna post on this blog

 Hey y’all, I wasn’t able to come to my 3rd or 4th period today, and I would tell y’all why, but y’all are gonna think I’m lying. My friends told me we had a quiz today, and I totally forgot about that. I doubt I’ll be able to make it up, but I’ll still ask. Honestly, I’ll take a 0 for a quiz grade, but best believe I’m gonna post on this blog EVERYDAY that I have to😂. I actually kinda wanted to come to class believe it or not, because I think I would’ve gotten a lot of work done. Especially today since I have a few things due. Hopefully I’ll be able to get all of it or even over half of it done tomorrow. Anyways, enough about school. IT’S BASICALLY SPRING BREAK!! I’ve been waiting for this week for so long, but I’m gonna miss posting on my blog cause this is kinda one of my favorite parts of the school day. Ew. I’ll update y’all again next week, and I hope y’all enjoy your spring break. :) 

not a priority

 Bonjour :) Today feels like such a drag since spring break is next week. It's unnecessary to have this week of school in my opinion, the least they could do is give us Thursday and Friday off. There's nothing to do since teaching us anything new would be pointless, we're literally getting busy work at this point. Class went by somewhat fast. There's not much to say about it since almost all we did was listen to him give instructions about how to find our sources. The sources are due on the 12th, and he said he wouldn't give us work over spring break. Is this not work over spring break????? To me, as soon as the weekend begins it's automatically spring break, and he also said that we wouldn't be able to complete this in a short period of time. Therefore, I'll be doing this over spring break. It's not much to do, but it's still stuff to do. Understand?  He lied, simple. Anyways, since him explaining what to do took up most of the class period we w