
Showing posts from March, 2021

unrealistic expectations

 Class today was alright. We went to breakout rooms to do step 3 of our project. We had to pick a subtopic that we wanted to do for our introduction. Personally, I wanted to do unrealistic expectations that social media attributes to, but Arian and the other girl chose mental health issues because they believed it was the easiest one. I thought our subtopic unrealistic expectations would be better because, to me, it'd be easier to talk about the way people expect to have excitement in their life 24/7, even though life as a whole is quite mundane to say the least. Also, if we did unrealistic expectations we could've easily talked about the pressure there is on people to look, act, and feel a certain way. PLUSSSSSS we could've combined social media with how it highlights certain experiences whether good or bad, and also point out the way it has caused us to view relationships. I understood their reasons for choosing mental health issues but in my head I'm like "...ok

"natural leaders"

 Hey... :), y'all are probably like "what took you so long..?", okay okay okay. Look, my baby sister who I haven't seen in like 4 years came over. SO OBVIOUSLY I had to give her as much as my time as possible before she left. She's lowkey mean, but she's not important right now. Today was great. I always get a great laugh when he either pulls up my blog, pulls something from my blog, or mentions something that I said in my blog. Today he pulled up 3 quotes, and I AUTOMATICALLY recognized mine. It was the one from my last last post when I was like, "We have another project that he somewhat talked about, and honestly, I'm not trying to do another project any time soon." Y'ALL I WAS CRACKING UP BEHIND THIS COMPUTER. He was emphasizing the word "another" which made me laugh even harder. But before that, he was reading the other quotes then I remembered that I've already read one of them from somewhere, and when it finally clicked in

are you kidding me๐Ÿ˜

 Y'all we didn't even have class today and this man is still making us post on our blogs. Are you kidding me๐Ÿ˜. This is stupid. Today without class was pretty good, but the asynchronous work he gave us was so extra. The vocabulary was easy, but he wants us to write a paragraph using all the words. The words don't even go together, and I thought he said we'd be able to use these words on the A.P. Exam. Y'all these words are sucky. I don't know how I'm about to write this paragraph, but I'll more than likely build up the courage to get it done. Today, I'll probably try to get all my work done so I don't have to worry about it this weekend. The weekend is basically here though, so I'm happy about that. It goes by way too fast but at least summer is on the way. I figured out how to put an emoji in my title :)

that video is hilarious

 Greetings. I think I forgot to tell y'all about the project Mr. Reese assigned us last week. He gave us definitions and we had compose a video that had other videos related to the word. For example, if I had the word angry, I would just find a video of somebody who was angry. Anyways, it was due today, and we presented. He didn't tell us that we'd have to give a little commentary about our videos so it took me by surprise. Some of the videos from my other class mates were funny, but y'all when he played mine I was literally dying at the first video. I will forever think that video is hilarious. Should I post my project on my tiktok? Y'all should follow me, it's @ry.ona. Y'all can watch my most recent video, but if y'all watch the others ones y'all are just being extra. I'm not that person anymore, so don't watch them. And no, I'm not deleting them. We have another project that he somewhat talked about, and honestly, I'm not trying to

erasing until I don't have any more ideas

 Hey :), I just got out of class, because FORTUNATLY he ended class quite early. 20 minutes earlier than usual, to be a little more specific. During class we talked about commentary, and personally, I think commentary is kinda hard. All the paragraphs and essays I've worked on he's never mentioned anything bad about it; it's actually really good, but I still struggle on it the most. Sometimes, I think I'm overthinking it wayyyyyy too much, because it should be really simple. But, no. It's not that I don't know what I want to write about after I provide my evidence, it's more so I don't know how to formulate the sentence correctly and in a suitable way for it to formulate with my essay as a whole. I always feel as if I'm doing it wrong. And since I usually don't like how I explained the evidence, I keep changing it up and erasing it until I don't have any more ideas. It takes up a lot of time. Also, he gave us questions to ask ourselves to get

wasn't paying attention per usual

  Hey y'all. Today we took a poll in class to determine which lesson the class wanted to do the most. I picked critically analyze a poem, but the majority of the class picked discuss a writing prompt topic. One writing prompt we analyzed was about GMO foods, and the other was about if businesses should look at an applicants personal social media and judge them off of that I believe. I wasn't paying much attention in class, and it was boring in my opinion. I didn't really want to be in class anyways. But, today wasn't bad. I actually enjoyed the conversation we had as a class. It was about stuff that I already knew, so hearing everyone's opinion on the topic was nice. 

zero ideas

Greeting fellow homo sapiens. Class today wasn't bad. I would say it went by pretty fast, but it took me quite a while to finish our assignment for today. That's only because I wrote the stuff I wanted to type down on a sheet of paper first. I think when I'm in front of a computer typing something for an assignment I can't think how I usually do. Anyways, we just typed of body paragraph using a picture of a little girl as evidence. Not much. I think I did well. And the bell ringer today was so trash. It literally made my mind go blank as soon as I read it. I had 0 ideas, and I don't even remember what I typed either. It was something about the most interesting thing I've done to accommodate someone. Not the best bell ringer, but I guess he liked it. My 3rd period was a 0/10, so I was somewhat looking forward to 4th. It looks gloomy outside today, but I still plan on going outside with my dog and blowing my brother in a race for the second time this week. And it&

ez project

Bonjour:), the class period today went by somewhat quickly. We worked on analyzing images, and personally I think I'm pretty good at it. I just got done doing the assignment for his class on analyzing and it wasn't hard at all. It was pouring today, so I was gonna use that as an excuse not to come to class but then it got sunny outside before 3rd period, unfortunately, so I just went. My 3rd made me really tired, so when I got to 4th I was struggling to stay up. I think the only reason I made it through the whole period without falling asleep was because my friends were texting me. They need to get a life. Anyways, I don't have much to say about today. The sun is out, but it's still wet outside so I'm kind of contemplating on if I should go outside or not. I would give today's class period like a 6/10. Oh, and he was talking to us about our projects for his class and it's gonna be soooooooo freaking easy. I could literally do it in one day. But, he gave us u

gathering evidence

 Hey y'all, I think I'm gonna make this one short. The class period started with the bell ringer which was about if education is boring. I opposed the idea that education was boring, and proceeded to elaborate on my position in 4 other sentences. After we were done y'all this man said something along the lines of "I asked you this question, because I was reading your blog posts.." and I KNEWWWWW he was talking about me. He was like " You know what let me pull them up", AND I STARTED SCREAMING๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I knew in my soul I was gonna be the first blog he clicked on and it was absolutely hilarious. The class period went by really fast, and it was actually a lot better than yesterday. We spent 10 minutes of class gathering evidence for our claims on about why school was or wasn't boring. It was pretty good to say the least. ALSO, we now have vocabulary unfortunately. I can't even be mad about it because he almost never gives us any work to do after class,

etc, etc, etc

 Hey y'all, today was extremely boring. We were going over how to gather evidence for our synthesis essay and how to use it to support our claims. It was really easy. He was also saying how we would have to upload the notes we took from the lesson today, etc, etc, etc. SO BORING. The prompt today was about if libraries were necessary, and my claim was about how they weren't. I wasn't even listening that much, and spent the whole class period playing 2048 and wishing the class period would end so I could go outside. Finally, it's over but I can't go outside right now because my grandmother wants me to help her with something I think. I would rate today a 2/10, maybe tomorrow will be better. I probably feel like this because I've just been watching the time til it ends instead of just giving the class my full attention. But it's just SO BORINGGGGGGG.

early release

 We had an early release day, so class was cut short by about 45 minutes I believe. We didn't really go over anything too complicated. He was asking the class a few questions to see if they were paying attention, or retained any information from yesterday. To be honest, today was pretty boring. I was just watching the time because I was happy that all my periods were short. I actually only had 2 class periods today, so that was great. I genuinely have nothing to say about the class period today. Ohhh, okay before I end it he gave us our scores for our essays and talked about the grade he'd give us depending on the number that our essay received. Y'all I got a 3/6. Let's be honest here though, that's not that bad for an intro and 1 body paragraph๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Imagine if I did all of them though. Anyways, my two other friends got 6's and I was happy for them because duh how could I not be? I was trying to hype them up, but they was already hyped. They obviously did great.

stand or sit?

 ..hi. I just got out of 4th period. Today felt really really slow for some reason. We went over steps to take before writing a synthesis essay, and he quickly explained how it was different from an argumentative essay; it was pretty easy to understand. I wrote down some notes, but other than that I wasn't giving him my full attention. The bell ringer today was nice; I'm glad he didn't ask me to share what I wrote, because I felt like he would've asked me questions about it. Maybe if it was another day, but today? No. It was about if college was worth it, and I elaborated on why it wasn't. I included some disadvantages.. one of them being debt. I don't know what I want to do after high school to be honest, but I have my whole life to figure it out so there's nothing to worry about. Okay, that's enough about 4th period for today. Anyways, I had a conversation with a few people about if we stand or sit to wipe. Personally, I sit and I think any and everybo

I wrote my letter to-

 Hey guys, today in class we did a lesson on apostrophes & semicolons. Working on them was actually a lot easier than I thought they'd be. I may need just a littleeeeee more practice on apostrophes, but other than that I think I'm good. Honestly, I don't have much to say about today. It was funny towards the end when Mr. Rease asked Geo to read a sentence from the ACT practice test and he could barely talk because he was laughing at something. I wonder what it was. It made Mr. Rease laugh, and I found that was hilarious. This class period always seems to go by fast for me. Oh, I almost forgot to tell y'all about my letter. I ended up writing it to- ..should I tell y'all? No. Believe it or not, but I ended up doing it; it only took me about 30-45min. Did I tell y'all that Mr. Rease assigned us partners? I actually ended up with 2, because we have an odd number of students in our classroom. Amazing luck, right? I read one of my partner's blogs yesterday an

a 0 won't hurt....right?

 Bonjour :) The class period today went by pretty fast. We did a short lesson on comma usage, and towards the end of the class we took a practice assignment. I wouldn't call today eventful, but I did laugh at something that I probably shouldn't mention right now.๐Ÿ’€lol. Anyways, we have to write letters to people who we believe are meaningful to our lives. I was thinking that it was gonna be a pretty easy assignment, and I could get it done really fast. But, at the same time.... my mind and body is literally telling me to just take a 0. Will a 0 hurt? Will my grade plummet? Exactly. I think I might just take it. Honestly, my mind told me not to do it as soon as he said that we have to give it to the person we write it to. *straight face emoji* Sir, really?  If I do end up doing it, which I probably will, I'll just write it to my grandmother. I might be feeling frisky tomorrow, and write it to my crush or close friend. PAUSE. Now I think I know who I'm gonna write it to.


 Hey y'all. The beginning of class today was a 10/10. I was cracking up at everyone's responses to the bell ringer. Some of the questions were "What is a thesis statement?", "What is the format of a body paragraph?", "What is a claim?" Y'ALL THE ANSWERS WERE OUTRAGEOUS!! I knew most of the class wouldn't get the answers correct, but gosh the answers were ๐Ÿ‘Ž. After mostly every response he read he was like "wrong" in the most unamused monotone voice y'all it was soooo funnyyyyy. Anyways, I wouldn't say we did much today. Some students need help with grammar, so unfortunately I'll have to participate in something I do EVERY SINGLE YEAR. This is getting ridiculous. I think my grammar is pretty good, only if I'm really trying or I have to write formally. I need to expand my vocabulary though. I sometimes feel like I use the same words over and over again. We also went over the classes thesis statements, and he said min

took 20 minutes to plan my essay LOL

 Before I even get started don't ask me about my essay๐Ÿ˜’. LET ME STOP. Y'ALL I'M GONNA BE AS HONEST AS POSSIBLE HERE.... why did it take me like 20 minutes to do the planning part of my essay????? LOL! Y'all it's not funny๐Ÿ˜. I failed. LOLLLLLLLL. It is hilarious! I'm cracking up just thinking about it. All jokes aside, it was really funny. Writers block got the best of me today guys. And I'm laughing, because I usually beat myself up about stuff like this, but what's the point? Doing the essay gave me insight on a lot, and I mean A LOT of stuff I need to work on. I plan on starting on it this weekend, but that's besides the point. Let me tell y'all about the good parts. When I finally started writing the essay I only had about 20 minutes left, and I was laughing the whole time. In my head I was like "I know it did not just take you 20 minutes to plan this essay, and you don't even got the thesis down."๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Literally in tears right

*murders friend for looking at wife*

Before I start my real blog post Geo forced me to put his name in my blog. Geo๐Ÿ˜. Anyways y'all, class was really good today. We didn't do a bell ringer, but the lesson today was basically about explaining the evidence because I'm guessing the class as a whole has a hard time with that. I didn't think I explained my evidence very well, until his feedback told me otherwise. But, I made sure I wrote down questions to ask myself when writing the essay which were: What does this tell readers? Why does it matter? How does it relate to the claim? What does this prove?  In what ways does this support my claim? We also related explaining evidence to how lawyers have to explain evidence in court cases. Today was funny as well, cause seriously though why are you murdering your friend for looking at your wife? LOL. I would be so pissed if I got murdered for something like that. That is so petty. 

thesis doesn't connect with prompt *straight face emoji*

GUESS WHAT YALL!!! No essay today. I literally manifested this. I wasn't nervous coming into class today but I can definitely say my heart was beating a tad bit fast. He gave us feedback on our body paragraph and thesis statement I was telling y'all about on Friday. Y'all better be keeping up ๐Ÿ˜’. Anyways, mine was actually really good. The only problem was that my thesis statement DID NOT connect with the prompt. Y'ALL this is the 2nd timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. If the prompts weren't so sucky, maybe I could understand it better. Honestly, I can't even say that cause this was actually a pretty easy prompt. This is obviously a bad problem that I have because if I write an essay about something that doesn't match the prompt that's literally a 0. They're gonna be staring at my paper like "confused emoji". They need to add more emojis in this junk. I need y'all to understand me, and the only way y'all can is with certain emojis. That's b